Цветовые кнопки на терминалах Linksys и Cisco позволяют наблюдать за локальными и удаленными событиями.
Все в основном сперто отсюда
настройка spa932
Цветов немного, либо red либо green, но можно мигать с разной скоростью.(а вот недавно нашел оранжевый)
Настройка событий находится в закладке "PHONE"
Все в основном сперто отсюда
настройка spa932
Цветов немного, либо red либо green, но можно мигать с разной скоростью.(а вот недавно нашел оранжевый)
Настройка событий находится в закладке "PHONE"
p=fb, p=sb - мигать быстро, медленно p=d двойное мигание
c=r, c=g - цвет красный , зеленый, c=a оранжевый, с=o выключить
fnc=blf+sd;sub=204@$PROXY;ext=204@$PROXY;vid=1; usr= ; nme= ???
1) Idle LED Appears when the line is idle. Defaults to blank (c=r).
Режим ожидания.
2) Remote Undefined LED LED pattern during the Remote Undefined state, where the shared call state is undefined (the station is still waiting for the state information from the application server). Not applicable if
the call appearance is not shared. Leaving this entry blank indicates the default value of c=r;p=d.
Неопределенное состояние - станция ожидает ответа от сервера приложений.
3) Local Seized LED Appears when this station seizes the call appearance to prepare for a new outbound call. Defaults to blank (c=r).
Локальное состояние. Отображает готовность к новому вызову.
4) Remote Seized LED (applicable only to shared call appearance) Appears when the shared call ppearance is seized by another station. Defaults to blank (c=r; p=d).
Удаленная готовность
5)Local Progressing LED Appears when this station attempts an outgoing call on this call appearance (the called number is ringing). Defaults to blank (c=r).
Локальный набор номера.
6)Remote Progressing LED(applicable only to shared call appearance) Appears when another station attempts an outbound call on this shared call appearance. Defaults to blank (c=r; p=d).
Удаленный набор номера.
7)Local Ringing LED Appears when the call appearance is ringing. Defaults to blank (c=r;p=f).
Локальный Сигнал вызова.
8) Remote Ringing LED (applicable only to shared call appearance) Appears when the shared call appearance is in ringing on another station. Defaults to blank (c=r;p=d).
Удаленный сигнал вызова.
9)Local Active LED Appears when the call appearance is engaged in an active call.
Defaults to blank (c=r).
Локальный активный вызов.
10) Remote Active LED
(applicable only to shared call appearance) Appears when another station is engaged in an active call on
this shared call appearance. Defaults to blank (c=r;p=d).
Удаленный активный вызов.
11)Local Held LED Appears when the call appearance is held by this station. Defaults to blank (c=r;p=s).
Локальное удержание
12)Remote Held LED
(applicable only to shared call appearance) Appears when another station places this call appearance on
hold.Defaults to blank (c=r,p=s).
Удаленное удержание
13) Register Failed LED LED pattern when the corresponding extension has failed to
register with the proxy server. Leaving this entry blank
indicates the default value of c=a.
14) Disabled LED LED pattern when the Call Appearance is disabled (not
available for any incoming or outgoing call). Leaving this entry
blank indicates the default value of c=o.
15) Registering LED Appears when the corresponding extension tries to register
with the proxy server.
Defaults to blanks (c=r;p=s).
16) Call Back Active LED Indicates Call Back operation is currently active on this call.
defaults to blank (c=r;p=s)