Этот метод избавил мой старенький Фелкон от регулярных зависаний после 5-10 мин игры.
Зависания появились сразу, после установки Freeboot. Установщик чипа "наотрез" отказался решать эту проблему, сославшись на плохую репутацию "Фелконов", их якобы постоянный перегрев и то что делал я это на свой страх и риск.
Но меня смутило то, что период зависаний никак не был связан с нагрузкой в играх и перегревом микросхем приставки, к тому же до "чиповки", на дисках, приставка практически никогда не зависала.
Погуглив нашел этот великий сайт:
Но меня смутило то, что период зависаний никак не был связан с нагрузкой в играх и перегревом микросхем приставки, к тому же до "чиповки", на дисках, приставка практически никогда не зависала.
Погуглив нашел этот великий сайт:
У меня метод сработал на 100%. Ребята, спасибо вам БОЛЬШОЕ!
1. Put the NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 on your USB stick, start your Xbox 360 and put the USB stick in.
2. Use the File Manager on your Xbox 360 to start NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 by opening the default.xex file
3. Click Dump NAND to make an backup of your original Xbox 360 NAND to the USB stick
4. After it finishes, shutdown the Xbox and put the USB stick back in your PC
You will need the program called 360_Flash_Tool_v0.97 to open your original NAND and change the SMC values.
5. Open the 360_Flash_Tool_v0.97 application and if it asks, enter the CPU key from your Xbox 360 to continue
6. Click on ... to select and open the orig_nand.bin file from the USB stick (this is your original NAND from your Xbox 360)
7. Click on Tools and select Edit Config.
8. The next screen will show the current values of your Xbox 360 NAND. Click on Edit Config down left to be able to change the values.
The only values you need to change are:
Power Mode should be 8280
Power VCS Control should be 8565
Both ANA Fuse Value should be 03
These are the changes that will make your RGH Falcon not freeze anymore. Thanks goes to the amazing people on the forums who tirelessly tried many solutions until they found what works (none of which are affiliated with this site in any way). This is only a simplified guide for educational purposes based on their findings.
9. When you make the changes to be as the picture above, save the modified NAND as updflash.bin
10. Put the newly created updflash.bin on your USB stick and put it in your Xbox 360
11. Use again the File Manager on your Xbox 360 to start NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 by opening the default.xex file
12. This time click on Write NAND and choose updflash.bin
13. Wait until the update procedure is finished and shutdown your Xbox 360
That is it! From now on, your RGH Glitched Falcon Xbox 360 will be free of freezing issues (at least from the RGH). You can test it by playing a game without freeze for more than an hour.
Just in case you need them for another Xbox 360:
The possible alternative values for Power Mode can be 8280 or 8380 or 8480
The possible alternative values for Power VCS Control can be 8555 or 8565
The possible alternative values for ANA Fuse Value can be 01 or 03
1. Put the NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 on your USB stick, start your Xbox 360 and put the USB stick in.
2. Use the File Manager on your Xbox 360 to start NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 by opening the default.xex file
3. Click Dump NAND to make an backup of your original Xbox 360 NAND to the USB stick
4. After it finishes, shutdown the Xbox and put the USB stick back in your PC
You will need the program called 360_Flash_Tool_v0.97 to open your original NAND and change the SMC values.
5. Open the 360_Flash_Tool_v0.97 application and if it asks, enter the CPU key from your Xbox 360 to continue
6. Click on ... to select and open the orig_nand.bin file from the USB stick (this is your original NAND from your Xbox 360)
7. Click on Tools and select Edit Config.
8. The next screen will show the current values of your Xbox 360 NAND. Click on Edit Config down left to be able to change the values.
The only values you need to change are:
Power Mode should be 8280
Power VCS Control should be 8565
Both ANA Fuse Value should be 03
These are the changes that will make your RGH Falcon not freeze anymore. Thanks goes to the amazing people on the forums who tirelessly tried many solutions until they found what works (none of which are affiliated with this site in any way). This is only a simplified guide for educational purposes based on their findings.
9. When you make the changes to be as the picture above, save the modified NAND as updflash.bin
10. Put the newly created updflash.bin on your USB stick and put it in your Xbox 360
11. Use again the File Manager on your Xbox 360 to start NAND Flasher 360 for XBOX 360 v1.2.0 by opening the default.xex file
12. This time click on Write NAND and choose updflash.bin
13. Wait until the update procedure is finished and shutdown your Xbox 360
That is it! From now on, your RGH Glitched Falcon Xbox 360 will be free of freezing issues (at least from the RGH). You can test it by playing a game without freeze for more than an hour.
Just in case you need them for another Xbox 360:
The possible alternative values for Power Mode can be 8280 or 8380 or 8480
The possible alternative values for Power VCS Control can be 8555 or 8565
The possible alternative values for ANA Fuse Value can be 01 or 03